What if God and Satan...

What if God and Satan had a conversation and it started like this:

S: I'm bored. Let's make a bet.

G: I'm game. What kind of bet.

S: I bet humankind will never change. They will grow old and die as a civilization.

G: That's too general.  All intelligent species will grow old and die. That's how nature works.

S: Yes, but I bet human nature will never change. Greed. Jealousy. Pride. Sloth. Lust. Anger. Gluttony. All those things are part of their nature. It's inherent. You tell me that's not true.

G: True but humanity is still young by our standards. If you give them a chance, they have the capacity to be more than what they are.

S: So are we on?

G: What are the terms?

S: We do nothing but watch and let humans take charge of their own choices. Whether they walk on my path or yours, is solely up to them and whoever has the most humans on their side is deemed the winner.

G: Alright. And how so we know if the bet is over?

S: When the last human dies.

G: And the pay off?

S: The winner gets to be in charge next time. I hear dolphins are extremely intelligent. Maybe I'll try my luck with their species.

G: Alright. You're on.

And that's why God and Satan no longer involve themselves with humans because they're still watching and waiting to see who wins the bet. Is humanity just a set of behavioral patterns cursed to repeat themselves into extinction? Or are they able to break away from those patterns and grow up to their full potential? That is, to be the best version of themselves?

In the end, only God and Satan would know the answer.


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